It's sad that fake scientific papers are flooding academic journals, but I'm glad that here, some are writing about it.In an age when truth is becoming fake and is being taken for a ride by imposture and lies, an age when writers who have something to say can't get past the algorithm-promoted hype, it was only natural that the scientific area would be affected. On the other hand, signs existed before chatgpt. No researcher who gets to such a position by his own efforts will ever be ingratiated to create fake scientific papers. But it's true, the academic and research environment is filled with people who got there on totally different criteria than results, studies, books, etc.. The chatgpt is not to blame, but human nature, greed, nepotism and so on. Scientific papers are not actually read by anyone, often not even by peer reviewers. Equally true is that nowadays people don't read, just scroll. It has become virtually impossible at university to get my students to read. Or at least to be interested in a subject, in something. The result? only about 5 out of 150 are able to give a presentation, to conceive an academic text or to think critically. Most of them come with preconceived ideas, don't know how to argue and are intoxicated by social networks. It is a sad reality, dramatic for the progress of humanity.